alone. Everyone is (2008)

For baritone and piano (or ensemble: sax, pno, vn, vc),  text by Matthew Doherty (2008) – 3 minutes
World Premiere: 2008, American Opera Projects Composers and the Voice series, Matthew Worth, baritone; Jennifer Peterson, piano



Live performance recording by Avian Orchestra and Chris Trakas, baritone

alone. Everyone is



Middle Section of a Torn-up Letter

–found on the floor of the Albion Hotel* (*”Hotel” -beware, no nightly rates)

What’s up Sweetie?

thinking about you.

see you. I may

I can’t bear it

just want out. You

you are on my

moment of the day.

everyday now. I think

seems to be helping.

on my court date

to be such a jerk

fucking up on the

going crazy in here

I want you to kiss

hold me now. I can’t

alone. Everyone is

if I go to Worcester

its a bad idea

is too many drugs

sure you aren’t us

any more? Cookie

picked up a needle

all you can.

I lost weight by

back. I feel a

I want you to

I bet you feel real

everything you know

always! Maybe we can

Will you marry

I promise to

you for the rest

live without you

about a woman

gotta go now

Forever Angel



Price: $7